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In One Place...
by Jeanne Henriques
In One Place...: Imaginary entrance
I like to photograph entrances and imagine who the occupants might be and how they live. My guess is a literary soul resides here....just ...
In One Place...: Masters of Photography
The beauty of photography is what we see...... Image by Robert Doisneau If you enjoy photography and are looking for i...
In One Place...: A Lady in Waiting
I love these images, not because they are beautiful but because they made me stop and think. A lady in waiting as the world passes her by. ...
In One Place...: Colour and Texture: Tuscany
I travelled to Tuscany in the month of July, aside from the crowds, it was a spectacular time to visit.
In One Place...: Artistic Style
I have discovered over the years that artists have their own sense of style... they are drawn to the materials they represent in their art. ...