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My Short Story - Jenn Hassin
Jenn Hassin is a Texas born artist and currently resides Buda, Texas. She received her Master of Fine Arts from Columbia University with a focus on Social Practice and Installation. She...
Series & Collections - Jenn Hassin
Jenn Hassin Austin, Texas | New York, New York
A Battle Lost - Jenn Hassin
101" x 52" x 6". Rolled paper handmade from military uniforms, gold foil & matte medium. 2015.
CV - Jenn Hassin
Jenn Hassin 2012 B.A. in Art, Minor in Biology, St Edward's University, Austin, Texas Solo Shows 2017 2016 2015 Selected Exhibitions ...
Naomi's Light - Jenn Hassin
24” x 36” x 4”. Rolled handmade paper from the patron’s daughter, sealed with pH balance spray and matte medium, mounted on a cradled frame. 2020. Commissioned by Marie Saint Germain
Process of Order - Jenn Hassin
101" x 52" x 6". Rolled newspaper, matte medium, pH balancing spray and acrylic sealant. 2015.