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Zenfolio | Jennie Smith: Nature Photography | About
How wonderful to think about the immense amount of organisms I still have to see in the world; this thought makes me happy every day. As a nature photographer, and particularly when working close-up,...
Zenfolio | Jennie Smith: Nature Photography | All Photographs
Jennie Smith: Nature Photography
Zenfolio | Jennie Smith: Nature Photography | Blog
Nature photography from the UK and around the world. Enjoy everything form Marco to Landscape. A website full of colour and composition. Explore the myriad of life in the worlds woodlands, meadows, mo...
Zenfolio | Jennie Smith: Nature Photography | Azores
nature, wildlife, photography, world), reptiles, travel, azores, volcano, underwater, woodland
- Zenfolio | Jennie Smith: Nature Photography | Mollusks
Zenfolio | Jennie Smith: Nature Photography | Arachnids | Crab spider Xysticus sp., adult feeding on
© Jennie Smith: Nature Photography