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History of the Jew's Harp
HISTORY OF THE JEW'S HARP Japan - Koukin of over thousand names for the Jew's harp from all over the world . A Dictionary of Contemporary American Usage (New York 1957), p.259, reports a rece...
How to Play the Jew's Harp
trump, juice harp, jaw harp, jews harp, jaws harp, maultrommel, munnharpe, clackamore, kubing, subing, mp3,
Jew's Harp Guild Pictorial Archive
Use your browser to open hyperlinks in a "new window" as we suggest using this feature to view the pictures because the records form is a bit slow to reload. Otherwise use your brows...
4-2006 Online Jew's Harp Guild Newsletter
by Gordon Frazier Not long ago I came across a website devoted to Mark Twain (the nom de plume of Samuel Clemens; one of the two is my favorite writer, but I can never recall which one). In the cour...
Jew's Harp Guild Newsletter Index
Jew's Harp Guild Online Newsletter Index
The traditions and harp makers in Norway
Jews harp traditions in Norway By Lars Willadsen, copy writer & jews harpist, Denmark I am not Norwegian but Danish nor am I attempting to be an expert on this subject, but I have read a fair b...