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About us | Ukraine Jewish Heritage: History of Jewish communities in Ukraine
...not exactly a town and not exactly a township but a shtetl. There were hundreds of these in Old Russia... Peretz Markish - Why do you do this? - Sometimes I afraid to forget. (c) "Everything Is Ill...
Kiev region | Ukraine Jewish Heritage: History of Jewish communities in Ukraine
Volodarka, an urban settlement, district capital in the Kyiv region. In 1793, after the second division of Poland, Volodarka became part of the Russian Empire. In the 19th and early 20th century,...
Krivoye Ozero | Ukraine Jewish Heritage: History of Jewish communities in Ukraine
Krivoye Ozero is an urban type village founded in the 18th century. It is located on the banks of the Kodyma River and holds a long history of both vibrant and tragic Jewish life. Since the 1970s, the...
Khotin | Ukraine Jewish Heritage: History of Jewish communities in Ukraine
Khotin is a district town in the Chernivtsi region, Ukraine. It was founded in the X century in Kievan Rus. Since the second part of the XIV century, it was part of the Moldavian principality. It was ...
Boguslav | Ukraine Jewish Heritage: History of Jewish communities in Ukraine
Bohsla (Yiddish), Богуслав - Boguslav (Russian,Ukrainian) Boguslav is a town in the Kiev region. In XIX - beginning of XX century, it was a center of Boguslav uezd, Kiev gubernia. Information about af...
Shtetls of Podolskaya Gubernia | Ukraine Jewish Heritage: History of Jewish communities in Ukraine
We first appeared here about 500 years ago... On the even of the first world war 400,000 of our ancestors lived in over 100 small-towns (Shtetlach) in this picturesque part of Ukraine called Podolia. ...