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JLect - Japonic Languages and Dialects Database Dictionary
JLect is an English-Japanese dictionary that features Japanese dialects, Japanese slang, Ryukyuan languages and Japonic languages.
JLect - Resources
JLect Refine your search: Similarity match: Use the drawing pad to the left to get started! Then select a character to insert it into the search box. Search by Radical 1一|丶ノ乙亅 2十匸匚匕勹卜卩厂厶又⻖⻏力刂刀二亠人亻儿入ハ凵...
- JLect - News and updates
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JLect - Okinawa Language-Dialect Dictionary (definitions and meanings)
Similarity match: Use the drawing pad to the left to get started! Then select a character to insert it into the search box. Search by Radical 1一|丶ノ乙亅 2十匸匚匕勹卜卩厂厶又⻖⻏力刂刀二亠人亻儿入ハ凵几冫冖冂 3彐弓弋廾廴广幺干彑ヨ⺌犭氵辶扌忄彳彡巾已...
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