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Articles | Joe Galley
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Mobile-First vs Desktop-First Media Queries | Joe Galley
Tags: CSS Design min-width and desktop first media queries use max-width Media queries in CSS allow to you specify style rules that apply only to specific screen sizes. This i...
How to Set Up SASS on Windows | Joe Galley
Tags: CSS Writing and managing CSS has become much more enjoyable with the invention of variou preprocessors and extensions. One of the most popular is SASS. SASS ("Syntactical...
Graceful Degradation vs Progressive Enhancement | Joe Galley
Tags: Design Quick summary: Graceful degradation means using newer features that may not be supported everywhere but providing a solid fallback experience. Progressive enhancement means dev...
Software | Joe Galley
Software PDFComposer A wrapper around Apache PDFBox to simplify creating PDFs with Java. This especially helps with formatting tables.
How to Convert a .pem File to .ppk | Joe Galley
Tags: DevOps AWS If you are dealing with SSH and using PuTTY, chances are you need a .ppk file to remotely connect to your server. A lot of open source software, as well as AW...