Screenplay Template for Google Docs | JohnHaller.com
Dialog = Heading 2 (Ctrl-Alt-2 or Cmd-Option-2)
Actor Parentheticals = Heading 3 (Ctrl-Alt-3 or Cmd-Option-3)
Transition (Film Editing) = Subtitle, manually align right
ALL CAPS must be done manually ...
Submitted by John T. Haller on Tue, 10/25/2022 - 13:24
I've put together an easy way to customize your drive icons with AmberELEC to improv their look and make them easier to identify...
John T. Haller's Resume | JohnHaller.com
Experience with design, development, and product management using various technologies including web and client UI design, graphics design and optimization, database design and development usi...
.NET Availability and Viability With Portable Apps | JohnHaller.com
John T. Haller (Updated: May 10, 2014, Created: August 16, 2007)
A few people have asked about whether certain .NET-based applications can be made into portable apps. For the unfamiliar, .NET is a sof...
Disable Windows Key | JohnHaller.com
(Last updated October 20, 2013)
Now you can disable your Windows key in Windows... without any special software, and without having to pry the key off with a screwdriver. Read on to find out how. I al...
Development | JohnHaller.com
Control Panel (Crystal) - A modification of the Control Panel module with Crystal Clear icons
Upgrade Bug - Fix 'Table role_permission already exists' issues
©2023 John T. Haller