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Dr. John Holden
Home With the help of Dr. John Holden, many people have healed from a wide variety of medical, emotional and spiritual issues; from complicated medical conditions to severe childhood abuse and trauma....
Healings The healing of many people suffering with chronic and acute pain and difficult to treat illnesses has been facilitated by Dr. Holden, even those who had given up hope. He has been able to di...
About During the mid 1980's, Dr. Holden was working as an electrical engineer in Silicon Valley, California. While always a sensitive individual, he did not posses obvious psychic or healing abiliti...
Rates & Services
Rates & Services Dr. Holden will call you for phone sessions. Distance Healings $60 Insurance Some insurance plans will cover Dr. Holden’s work, which may include regular health insurance, automob...
Resources Allison is John’s partner in life and healing, and they often work together, especially on Distance Healings. She is a gifted healer and bodyworker and her sessions include Inner Journeywor...
Testimonials Testimonials Here are a few of the many healing experiences with Dr. Holden. Many people come for physical healings to treat a wide variety of conditions including all types of illness’s,...