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The Wealth of People for the 21st Century
The digital environment enacts a global phase transition. A change in the conditions of change. This blog explores figures over the digital ground.
2020 ~ The Wealth of People for the 21st Century
“to be truly radical is to make hope possible, rather than despair convincing” A warning – there will be some sentences and paragraphs that may sound like word salad. I do like to play, not with my f...
The Emerging Constraints of the Digital Environment and the Future of Identity. ~ The Wealth of
The sciences of complexity offer a powerful framework for understanding change in the conditions of change. This paper, explores in broad strokes, essentially providing only hints, a complexity concep...
A Eulogy to Truth – Long Live Honesty ~ The Wealth of People for the 21st Century
Disolves Keystones of Certainty Future Shock is alive and well - in fact it is safe to say that we are all refugees from our own childhood. The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear. And t...
A New narrative for a Flourishing-Creative World and a Generative Future - Part 3 - The New New
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When Moore Becomes Different: How to Learn to Love Accelerating Change in the Conditions of Change
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