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JOKER Foundation: about
JOKER Foundation - Helping Children Around The World by JOKER Group
JOKER Foundation: donation
Small Effort, Big Effect On one hand you can establish a link to our website on your personal websites or e-mails and thereby create more awareness of the JOKER Foundation. Volunteer Volunteer by dona...
JOKER Foundation: partners
 | JOKER AG/SA JOKER Group started in October 1979, as a distributor of toys and has since come to be known as a developer and manufacturer of unique, innovative and branded niche products. The m...
JOKER Foundation: urpiwasi
 | Meet and Greet Us Ms. Barbara Casanova, a Swiss born nurse and some of her friends founded the Urpi Wasi centre in Cusco, Peru in 1989. Urpi Wasi Child Day Care Centre provides a place for chi...
JOKER Foundation: about
 | Geschichte Die JOKER Stiftung wurde anlässlich des 25-jährigen Bestehens der JOKER AG ins Leben gerufen, um den Erfolg der JOKER Produkte auch mit anderen zu teilen. Am 1. Januar 2005 wurde di...
JOKER Foundation: urpiwasi
 | Ein- & Ausblicke Frau Barbara Casaova, eine in der Schweiz geborene Krankenschwester und einige ihrer Freunde gründeten im Jahre 1989 das Zentrum Urpi Wasi in Cusco, Peru. Urpi Wasi ist eine T...