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Reports - JPP
Reports Publications Many inmates come into prison with serious pre-existing mental illnesses. Imprisonment over long periods of time and the extraordinary stresses of the hyper-violent prison experie...
About - JPP
About ABOUT Justice Project Pakistan is a non-profit organization based in Lahore that represents the most vulnerable Pakistani prisoners facing the harshest punishments, at home and abroad. JPP in...
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Latest News - JPP
Quarantine centres set up in jails across Punjab [1] (DAWN – Mohammad Asghar) RAWALPINDI: The prison authorities have established emergency quarantine units in all jails across Punj...
Death Penalty in Pakistan: Data Mapping Capital Punishment - JPP
On this World Day Against the Death Penalty, October 10, 2023, Justice Project Pakistan (JPP) is proud to launch the second edition of our annual statistics report, “Death Penalty in
The Death Penalty in Law and in Practice in Pakistan - JPP
This report is the result of a joint effort between Justice Project Pakistan (JPP), Together Against the Death Penalty (ECPM), and the Anti Death Penalty Asia Network (ADPAN). The report