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Karen Blessen
drawings, prints, stories, journal entries, public art, and photographs are copyright Karen Blessen unless otherwise noted.
Karen Blessen: About the Artist
HOME | PORTFOLIO | STORIES & ART | MAJOR PROJECTS | PRINTS | ABOUT THE ARTIST | LINKS | NEWS<!> <!> <!> <!> <!> ABOUT THE ARTIST Karen Blessen is an award winning free lance artist and writer based i...
- Karen Blessen: Prints
- Karen Blessen: Portfolio
Karen Blessen: Major Projects
HOME | PORTFOLIO | STORIES & ART | MAJOR PROJECTS | PRINTS | ABOUT THE ARTIST | LINKS | NEWS<!> <!> <!> <!> <!> Special Section: AFRICA I feel a responsibility to the people who opened up to me in Af...
Karen Blessen: Diary of a Confetti Engineer
HOME | PORTFOLIO | STORIES & ART | MAJOR PROJECTS | PRINTS | ABOUT THE ARTIST | LINKS | NEWS<!> <!> <!> <!> <!> Story and Illustrations By Karen Blessen Originally published in The Dallas Morning Ne...