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Jyotish - The eyes of the Vedas: 2012
Karm Jyotish - All about bhagya, karma, jyotish(astrology) and remedies..
Jyotish - The eyes of the Vedas: November 2012
Jyotish - The eyes of the Vedas Thursday, November 29, 2012 Bhagya-Vaad and Karma-Vaad : These are the two conflicting views which people always have. The bhagyavaadi people say that everything is p...
Jyotish - The eyes of the Vedas: Bhagya and Karma : The Vicious Circle of Maya
Jyotish - The eyes of the Vedas Thursday, November 29, 2012 Bhagya and Karma : The Vicious Circle of Maya Bhagya-Vaad and Karma-Vaad : These are the two conflicting views which people always have....
Jyotish - The eyes of the Vedas: Sankata Devi : Om Namo Sankate Kasht Haarini Mata
नमो काशिनी वासिनी गंगातीरे,सदा अर्चितं चन्दनं रक्तपुष्पं। सदा वंदितं पूजितं सर्वदेवं, नमो संकटा कष्टहरणी भवानी।।१ नमो मोहिनी मोहितं भूतसैन्यं,सदा चंद्रवदनी हंसैर्विहारं। सदा मृगनयनी त्रिगुणरूपवर्णी,न...
Jyotish - The eyes of the Vedas: The Vedic Aspect of Devi - Devya-Atharv-Sheersh
I have studied Devi Bhagwavt Puran and it says both. It says in its Devi Geeta Part that Devi is the Supreme of all and the other part of the same Puran says that Krishna is the Supreme. It even consi...
Jyotish - The eyes of the Vedas: June 2012
Om Namo Sankate Kasht Haarini Mata About Sankata Devi: She is one of the Matrikas ( Matrikas are feminine powers who helped Devi in fighting the demons Shumbh and Nishumbh). Also known as Vikat MAtri...