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Karvonis Ant. & Co EE - Scientific Equipment
Scientific Equipment provider located in Athens, Greece.
Karvonis Ant. & Co EE - Scientific Equipment
VERT – The Flight Simulator for Linacs VERT is a virtual environment of a radiotherapy treatment room. Through captivating 3D views and life size visualizations, VERT offers an excellent platform for ...
Karvonis Ant. & Co EE - Scientific Equipment
INTRABEAM 600 The X-ray source (XRS) with different applicator types creates a very focused radiation field. This leads to a targeted local high dose irradiation and enables increased tumor bed steril...
Karvonis Ant. & Co EE - Scientific Equipment
TOR CDR radiography phantom is a routine test object designed to be used quickly and easily on a regular basis (e.g. weekly or monthly) to provide an ongoing check of imaging performance, particularly...
Karvonis Ant. & Co EE - Scientific Equipment
Radiotherapy in the pelvic region requires special attention for patient positioning and patient comfort during treatment. MacroMedics® offers a range of patient positioning boards for this specific r...
ΚΑΡΒΩΝΗΣ ΑΝΤ. & ΣΙΑ Ε.Ε - Επιστημονικός Εξοπλισμός
Πάροχος Επιστημονικού Εξοπλισμού στην Αθήνα, Ελλάδα.