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Unit 4 - Polynomials - Mrs. Kashiwa's Math Website
Fri 11/11 p557 #3-27odd Mon 11/14 Sheds with a Change Tues 11/15 p565 #9-25odd, 37 *use distrubutive method*(do NOT follow the directions in the book) Block 11/16-17...
Unit 6 - Exponential - Mrs. Kashiwa's Math Website
Mon 3/6: p524 #4-6, 9, 10, 22, 23 Tues: 3/7 : p525 #38-40, 41a, 44a Block 3/8-9: p535 #3-6, 14, 22, 47-49 Fri 3/10: Exponential Growth/Decay WS Mon 3/13: Applications WS Tues 3/14: Quiz...
Chapter 6 - Differential Equations - Mrs. Kashiwa's Math Website
Mrs. Kashiwa's Math Website
AP Review Packets - Mrs. Kashiwa's Math Website
These are review packets for the AP Calculus BC Exam put together by the National Math and Science Foundation. They include a short review of the topic, then actual multiple choice and FRQ questions.....
Unit 7 - Mrs. Kashiwa's Math Website
Screenshots of Book HW [1] Notes 8.3 Trigonometry [2] 8.3 Trigonometry (Angles) [3] Angles of Elevation and Depression [4] Special Right Triangles [5] ...
Generic Algebra I - Mrs. Kashiwa's Math Website
Fri. 8/19 Mon. 8/22 Tues. 8/23 Block 8/24-25 Fri. 8/26 Mon. 8/29 Tues. 8/30 Block 8/31-9/1 Fri. 9/2 Mon 9/5 Labor Day - No School Tues 9/6...