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MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
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HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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Kathy Geisel
Work [1] About [2] ...
Website Design — Kathy Geisel
Website Design Website design for General Assembly's education e-commerce site. Beyond the UI, I also worked on content strategy and user research to further the development of these pages. About Page...
About — Kathy Geisel
b. 1986, HK.
Brochure — Kathy Geisel
Brochure This printed brochure is a promotional and informational piece about a John’s Hughes movie festival being shown at the BFI theatre in London. Student Project.
Packaging — Kathy Geisel
Packaging We drink tea for tradition, we drink tea for health, but do we drink tea for our mental state? C.B.Tea was a student project inspired by Cognitive Behavior Therapy, aka CBT. Each flavor pair...
Startup Identity — Kathy Geisel
Startup Identity Quest is a cell-phone service and wireless communications company. The brand caters to a demographic who love to travel and use their phone while traveling -yet also don’t want to be ...