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KC8UNJ - Jim Mitchell - Radio Programming Software
Free radio programming software for handheld ham radio transcievers and scanners made by Yaesu and Icom. Homepage of VX-7 Commander, VX-2 Commander, VX-5 Commander, VR-120 Commander, and IC-R2 Command...
KC8UNJ - Jim Mitchell KC8UNJ - Radar Software
Radar Software
VX-6 Commander
Free radio programming software for the Yaesu VX-2 and VX-2R. Homepage of VX-2 Commander.
VX-7 Commander
Free radio programming software for the Yaesu VX-7 and VX-7R. Homepage of VX-7 Commander.
VX-2 Commander
Please read the readme file before using this software. If you use and appreciate my free software and would like to make a donation, you can do so through PayPal. Donations are by no means required, ...
KG-UV Commander
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