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Simplified Inclusion Training — Kelsey Lindell
The Solution I’m on a mission to educate 1 million people on disability rights, ableism, and how to be a better ally - and I’m over half of my way there. I’m zoning in on workpl...
Individual Advocacy — Kelsey Lindell
So, you care about disability rights? Good, because disabled people need allies like you to get involved and stay involved. The issues that face our community are grim but disabled people have creat...
The Microaggression 90% of companies are making — Kelsey Lindell
We’re less than 6 weeks out from Disability Pride Month (July) and chances are you probably don’t have a plan for Disability Pride set in motion. Let’s talk about how that’s a microaggression and what...
General 1 — Kelsey Lindell
departments. I’m here to make that simple. Educate Individuals Educating individuals on the ways that they can use their voice, vote and dollars to support and build systems for disabled people. We ...
Events — Kelsey Lindell
Ableism is a very real, horrible, serious form of oppression that affects a huge amount of our population. It is important to learn about it, address it, and create practical, tactical plans to tackl...
The Nuanceletter: Advocate — Kelsey Lindell
nuanced. Let’s simplify it. Did you know that it is legal to pay disabled people less than minimum wage? Did you know that people with disabilities are 3x more likely to be victims of violent or sexua...