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Kent Crockett's Devotionals: 2021
Kent's devotionals Kent Crockett's devotionals Christian devotionals Kent Crockett books inspirational readings inspirational devotions
Kent Crockett's Devotionals: January 2021
Paul Harvey had a radio show called “The Rest of the Story.” He would talk about someone who overcame obstacles, but he kept the person’s identity a secret until the end when would reveal it and say, ...
Kent Crockett's Devotionals: The Legalism of the Pharisees
Kent Crockett's Devotionals The Legalism of the Pharisees The Pharisees were the false religious teachers who constantly opposed Jesus. There were 613 commands in the Old Testament but the Pharis...
Kent Crockett's Devotionals: 2020
A farmer made a sign advertising puppies for sale. A little boy read it and said, "Mister, I want to buy one of your puppies." The farmer said, "These puppies cost a lot of money, probably more than y...
Kent Crockett's Devotionals: December 2021
His star in the east and have come to worship Him." (Matt. 2:2) But this was no ordinary star because it guided them to a house. “The star, which they had seen in the east, went on ahead of them un...
Kent Crockett's Devotionals: Five Reasons to Pray, Part 2
(See below for Reasons #1 & 2) Reason #3 Prayer shows God how desperately we want something. “The effectual fervent (desperate) prayer of a righteous person avails much” (James 5:16). When we pray ou...