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Popular pages
About – Haeryun Kang
This is just a short excerpt for the about page.
Film – Haeryun Kang
InterV: creator and director InterV is a media experiment produced by MediaOri, a media incubator in Seoul, where I work as the creative director. InterV aspires to create cinematic stories out of peo...
Media Startups – Haeryun Kang
As a South Korean journalist, I'm at the intersection of some interesting ecosystems. On the one hand, I freelance in diverse formats for big, mainstream outlets, mainly from the U.S. On the other, I'...
Radio – Haeryun Kang
NPR: Pop Culture Happy Hour, "A Guide to K-pop" (5/27/2021) NPR: K-Pop's Digital 'Army' Musters To Meet The Moment, Baggage In Tow (7/6/2020) TBS eFM: "Nth Room" panelist on Korea Factual (4/4/2020) K...
Events – Haeryun Kang
10/8/2022: Creator and moderator of event for AAJA (Asian American Journalist Association), "Reporting in Conflict Zones," an intimate Q&A with photojournalist Harry Chun.
Writing – Haeryun Kang
For the most recent articles, this Tumblr page. Personal favorites:NPR: 'Hitman' Bang Si-hyuk, The Brand-New Billionaire Behind BTS (11/18/2020)NPR: Korean Pop, Away From The Hit Factories (7/13/2020)...