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About KhangNee / Mogu – M O G U
About KhangNee / Mogu An ex-writer of fashion magazine, her passion for traveling and free spirit meant she wasn’t desk-bound for long and went to New Zealand for a working holiday. Upon retur...
- Mogu X Chanel – M O G U
Contact – M O G U
-MOGU DESIGN- Hi people, for all general enquiries or commissions, please email or just leave your message here. I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you:) Copyr...
Press – M O G U
Press “I see my path but I not sure where it leads, and that’s the interesting part! But I know as long as I work hard, it will lead me to somewhere beautiful.” KhangNee and her work has been ...
Mogu – M O G U
Don’t worry about those who talk behind your back. They’re behind you for a reason. Copyright © M O G U Design (002477496-W)
Travelogue – M O G U
二月里,阵阵寒意冷风把脸冻得失去知觉。把手藏在厚厚的冬装口袋里,我快步走向大阪东梅田站出口的巴士亭,当时已有四五位当地人在此等候。 早上7时50分,前往日本岐阜县飞驒高山的浓飞高速巴士准时抵达。将网上预约票据交给巴士司机,我们舒适的坐在巴士上休息,一路睡睡醒醒,说实在四五小时的车程其实有点累人。巴士开在不算宽阔的高速公路上,一路从大阪路经京都和郡上八幡抵达飞驒高山。沿途景色的变化像极了女孩的脾气,...