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O mankind! Indeed We created you from a male and a female, and made you nations and tribes that you may get mutually acquainted. Indeed the most honorable of you in the sight of Allah is the most God ...
- KhojaPedia
KhojaPedia - KhojaPedia
KhojaPedia is currently in Beta testing. We welcome your feedback at Feedback KhojaPedia O mankind! Indeed We created you from a male and a female, and made you nations and tribes that you may get mut...
The Khojas a Journey of faith - KhojaPedia
KhojaPedia is currently in Beta testing. We welcome your feedback at Feedback The Khojas a Journey of faith From KhojaPedia Contents The Khojas a Journey of faith A Documentary Film by MARC - An Accou...
Khoja Timeline - KhojaPedia
KhojaPedia is currently in Beta testing. We welcome your feedback at Feedback Khoja Timeline 762 765 883 909 958 Ismaili principality was established in Sindh, with its seat at Multan, where large num...
Khoja Heritage Project - KhojaPedia
KhojaPedia is currently in Beta testing. We welcome your feedback at Feedback Khoja Heritage Project Contents Preface Allah has blessed humankind with the ability to develop complex and intelligent cu...