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A blog about children's ministry in small churches. Low cost DIY projects for classroom makeovers, decorating & theming, crafts, and events.
Kidfrugal: 2020
This is a low cost craft to help children learn a little about the culture and geography of Argentina. Long before grass fed beef was being touted in the U.S., thousands of cattle were grazing on th...
Kidfrugal: Home Pack
Showing posts with label Showing posts with label Sunday, May 31, 2020 My regular readers may be aware that we retired from full time ministry in September. This entailed finding a new church and t...
Kidfrugal: What is KidFrugal?
Kidfrugal is a blog about doing children's ministry on a budget. Creative, low cost ideas with high effect. Lots of interactive classroom ideas.
Kidfrugal: Sunday School
Genesis 26 is about stopping and unstopping wells among other things. This is a fairly simple story with some good applications. I include a drama and flash cards at the end. In the post, "Tube People...
Kidfrugal: Homeschooling
When I was in college my roommate gave me a note that said, "Procrastination is the thief of all time." Yes, I am a procrastinator. I kept thinking that I would redo the video for this post, but I rea...