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Learn - Kids Against Plastic
Kids Against Plastic Yay! You’re in the learn section A n important part of doing your bit and changing the world for the better is to be interested, informed and reflective. So, we’ve put togeth...
Lesson Plans & Resources - Kids Against Plastic
Lesson plans for teachers, by teachers B efore we can expect anyone to protect the natural world, we need help them learn to love it first. Ideally, that would be done through first-hand experiences, ...
About Us - Kids Against Plastic
About Us How Kids Against Plastic began For us, our desire to make a positive change began when we began studying the UN Global Goals about a year ago. We were being homeschooled by our parents and, b...
FREE resources for schools - Kids Against Plastic
All schools that register on the Plastic Clever Schools initiative get access to an interactive Pupil Workbook, teaching resources, worksheets and datasheets - all for FREE! Sign up here: KAP Plastic ...
Making Plastic - Kids Against Plastic
Learn about the material that is plastic (it's properties, how it is made) and ask whether it is OK to discard items made from it. This lesson has a linked teaching resource. KS2 Science Working scien...
Recycling Plastics - Kids Against Plastic
A KS2 lesson guide that helps develop an understanding of key terms like 'recycling' and 'recyclable' through recording and interpreting, and classifying data. Maths Interpret bar charts and pictogram...