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DATAMINER by kill_systems
The latest version doesn’t render, shows only a black screen. Console says: WebGL warning: enableVertexAttribArray: -1 is not a valid `index`. This value probably comes from a getAttribLocation() call...
New levels, gigs & loot - DATAMINER by kill_systems
adds 40 gigs adds 5 new addresses, unlocked by progressing through gigs adds 30 new loot items, most of which are exclusive to specific addresses adds notification badge to desktop app icons increases...
Consumable fix and tweaks to upgrade cost - DATAMINER by kill_systems
fixes bug with utility consumables not taking effect (thanks @Griffler ) upgrade costs reduced to match the significant digits of the displayed cost. this should prevent cases where an upgrade costs 1...
Devlog - DATAMINER by kill_systems
Devlog August 01, 2023 by DataminerDataCo
More loot, stronger equipment - DATAMINER by kill_systems
increases loot drop rate greatly buffs equipment stats...
Introduces equipment, 50+ new items - DATAMINER by kill_systems
adds equipment slots and around 50 equippable items, available from the shop and gig rewards permanent upgrade items ("cold start", "wider pipes" etc.) no longer have any effect, and won't be restocke...