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About Kingston | kingstonnh
Kingston was established in 1694 as the fifth town in New Hampshire, a Royal Charter granted by King William.The Town of Kingston is located in the South East corner of the state, approximately 5 mile...
Departments | kingstonnh
Selectmen's Office: (603) 642-3342 Recreation Building: (603) 418-5306
Trash & Recycling | kingstonnh
Newton Transfer Station- The Newton Transfer Station is open to residents of Kingston. Bulk items and construction materials will be accepted, but no cardboard. Please be prepared to pay in exact chan...
Police Department | kingstonnh
The policy of the Kingston Police Department is to provide the most professional, timely, and efficient police services possible to the community.
Recreation | kingstonnh
In addition to the highly successful children's Summer Camp program, the Recreation Department sponsors several seasonal, celebratory events during the year. Recreation Director Paul Butler is charg...
Planning Board | kingstonnh
Planning Board office hours are - Mondays and Tuesdays: 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Thursdays: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Subject to change. Since adoption of the Kingston Zon...