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Production company Kinoslovo
Kinoslovo is a dynamically developing production company that unites a group of producers, creating top Russian films for wide theatrical distribution.
Films | Production company Kinoslovo
Films produced by Kinoslovo, dynamically developing production company that unites a group of producers, creating top Russian films for wide theatrical distribution.
About | Production company Kinoslovo
About Kinoslovo was started in 2006 by reorganization of the famous Film Studio Slovo, founded in 1987 by Valentin Chernykh - the scriptwriter of the Oscar winning Foreign Language Film "Moscow Does N...
Kinoslovo and Central Partnership Will Coproduce Films For Cinema And Online-platforms
May 24, 2021
News | Production company Kinoslovo
Latest news of Kinoslovo, dynamically developing production company that unites a group of producers, creating top Russian films for wide theatrical distribution.
Production Service | Production company Kinoslovo
Production Service for your movie by Kinoslovo, a dynamically developing production company that unites a group of producers, creating top Russian films for wide theatrical distribution.