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Kirkwood Baptist Church
Strategy & Design by P3 Strategies Inc, a Fair Trading Company Home Having a church home at KBC is having a large, talented, loving family. Friendship, faith and fun!
Contact | Kirkwood Baptist Church
Strategy & Design by P3 Strategies Inc, a Fair Trading Company Rev. Donna Watts Associate Pastor for Christian Education BYOSC! (Bring Your Own Sippy Cup) The Family Lunch Bunch is a great way t...
Newsletter | Kirkwood Baptist Church
Strategy & Design by P3 Strategies Inc, a Fair Trading Company Dr. Greg Lundberg Associate Pastor for Music & Worship We are all worshipers, 24/7, so the question is not if we worship, but what ...
Worship | Kirkwood Baptist Church
KBC’s Worship Principles The church is not called to preserve traditions like a mausoleum or to entertain people like a coliseum. The church is the place to go to meet God. – Paul Powell Worship ...
History | Kirkwood Baptist Church
And So it Begins In July of 1870, Rev. John R. Downer of the Mission Society of Kansas was visiting in Kirkwood, Missouri, home of Dr. Benjamin F. Edwards. In the course of conversation the subject...
HOK Projects | Kirkwood Baptist Church
Hands on Kirkwood Projects 2015 Below find the current list of projects including a description of the project and the maximum number of volunteers needed. Projects are filled on a first come first se...