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Homan Walsh, Paul Garber, Ben Franklin, Alexander Graham Bell, Wright Brothers, War Kites, Kites in the Classroom
Scientific Kites of the Industrial Revolution
Meteorological Kites By M. Robinson Meteorological kites may not have had the flash and glamour of the other Industrial Revolution kites, but they were a good, loyal, and dependable worker. They f...
Kites In The Classroom
Kites Go To School eg Albers Kites have been around for a long time. They have been used as an educational tool from the beginning. Teleport yourself to virtually any period in kite history and you...
Kites On The Winds Of War
Kites On The Winds of War By M. Robinson With the nightly news saturated with reports of war and some exciting records recently uncovered pertaining to American Civil War kites, I thought it would b...
Kites In The Age Of Reason
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