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About KnottedHook - KnottedHook
KnottedHook is a brand being developed in 2021 to provide anglers of all types the latest and greatest tips that work in the present time.
Tips, Guides & Gear - KnottedHook
KnottedHook July 24, 2023 Crappie fishing is a popular pastime for many anglers. However, deepwater crappie can be a bit more challenging to catch. In this article, we will discuss the behavior of de...
Gear - KnottedHook
KnottedHook April 27, 2023 When it comes to fishing, many people like to get off of the bank and out into the water. Choosing the right watercraft can make all the difference in the success of the tri...
The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Fishing With Swivels - KnottedHook
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Swivels and Crappie Fishing, One Simple Guide - KnottedHook
We have all been there, standing in the tackle section of our favorite store and looking at all of the options. Do you need this? Do you need that? It’s hard
Crappie Fishing - Fall “Where They Are” & “How to Target Them” - KnottedHook
Where the crappie hide and the techniques used to catch them changes as do the seasons of the year. Some minor changes in your crappie gear might be needed,