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Contact Us | Knutsford Town Council
(Sat/Sun Closed) Looking to contact a councillor or specific officer? Messages sent via our contact form will be passed to the relevant officer/councillor to respond, but if you would like to contact ...
News | Knutsford Town Council | Serving the Knutsford Community
Plans to renovate Knutsford Market Hall have taken a significant step forward with the announcement of major grant funding to help deliver the project. Knutsford Town Council has secured a grant of £5...
How the Council Operates | Knutsford Town Council
> How the Council Operates Knutsford Town Council is a statutory organisation and the most local level of government for Knutsford. The council comprises 15 councillors who are elected every four year...
Meetings | Knutsford Town Council
> Meetings All of our meetings are open to the public and we’ll also be live streaming them via Zoom and Facebook to enable remote viewing and participation. Time is set aside at every meeting for mem...
Planning | Knutsford Town Council
Discharge of conditions applications for listed buildings / buildings within conservation areas Non-material minor amendments Certificates of Lawful Existing Use or Devleopment (CLUED) The committee d...
Maps and Guides | Knutsford Town Council
REMEMBRANCE DISCOVERY TRAIL The Remembrance Discovery Trail was produced as part of the commemorations for the centenary of the end of the First World War. The trail starts at the Centennial War Memor...