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DOWNLOADS | LA District Nazarene
For more information on the Louisiana School of Ministry (upcoming classes, dates, etc.) contact David Craig - Dr. Chuck Fountain, District Superintendent 1275 Dorchester Dr. A...
CHURCHES | LA District Nazarene
CHURCHES The Louisiana District has 45 churches across our beautiful state. Below is a list of churches divided into clusters. Click on the cluster name for more information on a specific church.
RESOURCES | LA District Nazarene
Dr. Chuck Fountain, District Superintendent 1275 Dorchester Dr. Alexandria, LA 71303 bottom of page
Southeast Cluster | LA District Nazarene
Lead Pastor Victor Boyd P.O. Box 908 Baker, LA 70714 (225) 778-1774 Rock Church of the Nazarene Lead Pastor Shane Mitchell (504) 469-5437
NazSafe | LA District Nazarene
The Zero Tolerance Policy The Church of the Nazarene has adopted a zero tolerance policy for sexual misconduct and inappropriate behavior with minors. All workers, leaders, and pastoral staff are to b...
North Central Cluster | LA District Nazarene
Lead Pastor Daniel Lowe P.O. Box 1506 Many, LA 71449 (318) 256-2201 Lead Pastor James Philen (318) 586-7976 Cenchrea Church of the Nazarene Holly Grove Church of the Nazarene Lead Pastor Jamie Robe...