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About Laing House - Laing House
Laing House is a non-profit that is dedicated to empowering young people living with mental illness by providing well-rounded support in young people’...
About - Laing House
Ensure there are processes that provide opportunities for ongoing dialogue by: Providing opportunities for our staff and members to hear the thoughts and feelings of people most impacted by racism A...
Welcome to Laing House
Laing House is a peer support organization for youth with mental illness where members can embrace their unique gifts and find their way in a caring and supportive environment.
Meet the Team - Laing House
You will never meet a group of people, like our group of people at Laing House. Behind every great organization, there's a team that makes each day be...
Becoming a Member at Laing House - Laing House
About Laing House Laing House is a non-profit organization with a focus on empowering young people aged 16-29 who have lived mental health experience....
Board of Directors - Laing House
Board of Directors Board of Directors Chair, Laing House Masquerade Ball HR & governance Committee