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People – LALco
People LALco was co-founded by Dr Lynne Duncan (University of Dundee) and Dr Sarah McGeown (University of Edinburgh) in 2019, following funding from the Scottish Universities Insight Institute (2017-1...
Understanding and supporting multilingual language and literacy – LALco
Yvonne Foley, Education, University of Edinburgh Yvonne is Head of Institute for Education, Teaching and Leadership at the University of Edinburgh.She has worked as a teacher educator for over twenty...
Projects – LALco
Projects Our research projects all share the theme of communication, collaboration and co-production between academic and non-academics experts to tackle language and literacy issues in Scotland and b...
Improving early reading acquisition and development – LALco
Improving early reading acquisition and development Early success in reading is a strong predictor of later reading outcomes, therefore it is crucial children receive research-informed reading instruc...
Motivating book reading – LALco
2021 – 2023 For children to reach their full potential as readers, they must be motivated to read and choose to read independently. Book reading provides important opportunities for children to develo...
Motivating and sustaining reading for pleasure – LALco
Marc Lambert, CEO, Scottish Book Trust Marc graduated from Edinburgh University in 1986 with an MA Hons degree in History. He has worked for Waterstone and Co. as a main fiction buyer, and for Pengui...