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Home Right to an Interpreter You have the right to an interpreter, in all matters and any language, free of charge. If you cannot speak or understand English well, see the court clerk for assistance. ...
Forms & Files - Language Access Services
Interpreter Request Forms (Spanish) You have the right to an interpreter, in all matters and any language, free of charge. If you cannot speak or understand English well, or if you need a sign languag...
Language Access Plans - Language Access Services
The New Mexico state courts are committed to providing meaningful access to court services for Limited English Proficient (LEP), deaf, and hard-of-hearing individuals. Every district, magistrate and m...
Language Data for New Mexico - Language Access Services
The Migration Policy Institute (MPI) provides data on Limited English Proficient (LEP) persons by state and county. A language is only listed if the number of LEP speakers of that language is above 5%...
For Interpreters - Language Access Services
Overview Welcome to your Court Interpreter Portal! This page is regularly updated with news and important documents for interpreters. Interested in becoming a court interpreter? Visit the NM Center fo...
Public Records - Language Access Services
Language Access Services Supreme Court The Supreme Court consists of five Justices and is located in Santa Fe. This is the court of last resort and has superintending control over all inferior courts ...