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National Ignition Facility & Photon Science
Jan. 15, 2025- LLNL physicist Dan Casey outlined the challenges involved in moving from the achievement of fusion ignition at LLNL’s National Ignition Facility to practical inertial fusion energy at...
How NIF Works | National Ignition Facility & Photon Science
How NIF Works This video illustrates the path of a NIF shot from the generation of the initial laser pulse in the Master Oscillator Room to the implosion of the target and release of energy in the Ta...
Science | National Ignition Facility & Photon Science
In the 1990s the United States ceased underground nuclear testing, and the U.S. Department of Energy created the science-based Stockpile Stewardship Program to maintain the safety, security, and r...
Achieving Fusion Ignition | National Ignition Facility & Photon Science
Achieving Fusion Ignition One of NIF’s key goals was to create a self-sustaining thermonuclear fusion reaction, mimicking the process that powers the sun and the stars. For the last six decades, LLNL...
NIF's Guide to How Lasers Work | National Ignition Facility & Photon Science
NIF's Guide to How Lasers Work
About | National Ignition Facility & Photon Science
science-based Stockpile Stewardship Program. NIF’s 192 laser beams converge at the center of the Target Chamber to implode a tiny hydrogen fuel pellet and spark a thermonuclear fusion reaction. UNI...