Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
Popular pages
Installation - Dropsolid Launchpad
Dropsolid Launchpad Download the release you want to install from the releases page. Ensure you pick the correct OS and architecture there are images for Darwin (MacOS), Linux and Windows, both for...
- Releases - Dropsolid Launchpad
Updating - Dropsolid Launchpad
Dropsolid Launchpad If you don't execute the safe steps when needed, your projects can get corrupted.
First usage - Dropsolid Launchpad
Dropsolid Launchpad This starts a Docker stack with following roles: traefik: reverse proxy that reroutes traffic to the correct container and takes care of SSL certificates ssh_agent: container th...
Overview of commands - Dropsolid Launchpad
Dropsolid Launchpad launchpad controlcenter start¶ flags: --https-port: The port to use for https requests (default 444) --tld: The frontend TLD to use (default "localhost") --project-prefix: T...
Project customization - Dropsolid Launchpad
Dropsolid Launchpad By default, only the global roles are started with a launchpad project start. If your project requires e.g. memcached or a non-standard php version, you can specify it in the ...