Lamar Consolidated ISD - A Proud Tradition - A Bright Future
Nivens’ News – May 2024
May is here, and we are so close to the finish line! Hear from Lamar CISD Superintendent Dr. Roosevelt Nivens as he shares monthly updates on the latest and greatest from acr...
The Lamar CISD Board of Trustees has approved the new attendance zone for Elementary #24, (renamed Bentley Elementary on 4/21/16) opening during the 2016-2017 school year. The Board-approved at...
Districts sometimes hire substitutes as full time employees if they have a proven success record.
Subbing is flexible – you work when you want to.
It’s an opportunity for a variety of expe...
Beginning of Year Forms
Beginning of Year Forms
For the 2016-17 school year, all LCISD campuses will be using Skyward’s Beginning of Year form functionality to reduce the number of paper forms students are required to have s...
Employee Home
Webcenter is a site where employees can report absences, and if needed, request a sub for their classroom.Access Webcenter »
Munis Self Services
Munis is Lamar CISD's employee self service p...
LCISD Athletics
Athletics in Lamar Consolidiated ISD
The LCISD Athletic Department is dedicated to promoting the academic, athletic, and social development of our student athletes through junior high and high sc...