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LEAP Projects « Learning for the Empowerment and Advancement of Palestinians
Project SHINE | Project ASPIRE | Project MUSIC | Project RISE
The LEAP Model « Learning for the Empowerment and Advancement of Palestinians
LEAP operates as a labor of love. Our projects, efforts and commitment stem from a strong belief in the right to education for all children and refugee rights. All of our participants are volunte…
Partner with LEAP « Learning for the Empowerment and Advancement of Palestinians
LEAP welcomes the opportunity to partner with other organizations and programs that have similar missions. We hope to partner with organizations where we can form a mutually beneficial, supportive …
General Program FAQs « Learning for the Empowerment and Advancement of Palestinians
What is LEAP? Learning for the Empowerment and Advancement of Palestinians is a U.S. based educational enrichment Program working with Palestinian refugee youth in Lebanon. LEAP focuses on educatio…
About Us « Learning for the Empowerment and Advancement of Palestinians
About Us | Why English? | Right to Education Learning for the Empowerment and Advancement of Palestinians (LEAP) is an educational empowerment program for Palestinian refugee-youth in Lebanon that …
leap-english « Learning for the Empowerment and Advancement of Palestinians
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