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Popular pages
Employment training, Jobs & Recruitment at Bluewater - Learning Shop
The official site for jobs in Bluewater, Visual Merchandising in Retail, CV Writing Support and Guidance, Support with Interview Techniques
WHAT WE DO | The Learning Shop
The official site for jobs in Bluewater Shopping Centre, Kent. Training, employment support, room hire, business solutions, printing, CV writing, interview techniques, visual merchandising, customer s...
Bluewater Employers | The Learning Shop
The Learning Shop has recruited over 35,000 Bluewater members of staff since opening in 1999. With approximately 3,500 advertised positions per year, and receiving in excess of 121,000 applications th...
TRAINING | The Learning Shop
Training services in Bluewater Shopping Centre, Kent - CV writing, interview techniques, visual merchandising, employability skills, customer service training, Bridge the Gap for schools and colleges,...
SERVICES | The Learning Shop
A range of services including room hire at The Learning Shop in Bluewater Shopping Centre, Kent for meetings, training, interviews, disciplinary action. PC use, internet use, printing, photocopy, lam...
Retail and Hospitality | The Learning Shop
Retail and hospitality training in Bluewater Shopping Centre, Kent. Visual Merchandising, Employability Skills, Customer Service training and Spirit of Bluewater tour.