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The Book | Leaving Mundania
This website began with a narrative nonfiction book about larp called Leaving Mundania by Lizzie Stark, published in 2012 by Chicago Review Press. Get the Book! Leaving Mundania is available in pap…
Games | Leaving Mundania
Enough talking about games–let’s play some! Here is where you can find links to games for free and paid download by me and many awesome designers. GAMES AND GUIDES BY LIZZIE Romeo & Julie…
About | Leaving Mundania
Hi, I’m Lizzie Stark–journalist, author, and person. This is where I come to don the Fez of Larp, throw back a couple mocktails, and contemplate the eternal Platonic awesomeness …
Start Here | Leaving Mundania
Hello, dear reader. Want to know what’s going on here? This is a blog about larp, that is about live action roleplay and related phenomena. Larp is a medium for expression–picture an im…
Blog | Leaving Mundania
Support This Blog on Patreon! Click Here To Pledge Now! This blog persists thanks to the generous support of our Patreon Horde. Enjoy what you read? Then support what you love: even a small donation h...
Creative Writing | Leaving Mundania
Move over Twilight. The underworld’s Philip Marlowe is on the case. This piece looks at bestselling author/LARPer Jim Butcher’s Turn Coat, the newest in the supernatural detective series the Dresden F...