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Legal Aid Network
Legal Aid Network is committed to facilitate efforts of grassroots people and activists, civil society organizations, lawyers and legal teams which aim to achieve human rights.
Federal Law Academy
Aiming to establish a free, fair, peaceful, and developed Federal Democratic Union, the Federal Law Academy was founded in Mai Ja Yang, Kachin State, in 2014.
About | Federal Law Academy
ABOUT Aiming to establish a free, fair, peaceful, and developed Federal Democratic Union, the Federal Law Academy was founded in Mai Ja Yang, Kachin State, in 2014. With academic support of some inter...
Contact | Legal Aid Network
Telephone:(46) (0) 73 841 1632
About | Legal Aid Network
WHO WE ARE Legal Aid Network is committed to facilitate efforts of grassroots people and activists, civil society organizations, lawyers and legal teams which aim to achieve human rights by establishi...
Constitutionalism | Legal Aid Network
3 A Brief Analysis on SPDC's Constitutional Principles The future constitution has become the core issue in the politics of Burma. Ironically, the ardent violators of the Constitution hav...