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Add Plugins With Plugins, you can use Vim more efficiently. But you'd better be proficient with Vim before adding any plugins. There are many ...
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[TOC] Configure ~/.vimrc and ~/.gvimrc There are two setting files should be known: vimrc and gvimrc. They have two versions: system and user. vimrc: the …
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[TOC] Text Editors It is said there are three text editors in the world:Emacs, Vim and others. No matter whether it is true or …
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Airline Vim-airline and powerline are both statusline plugins can be used for vim. If you want to use statusline for vim only, try the lightweight …
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Theme Tomorrow Solarized Molokai Put theme file in ~/.vim/colors and add set runtimepath+=~/.vim in ~/.vimrc. Font You need to make sure the font …