Your Public Power Partner | Lincoln Electric System
of retail sales (2023)
LES is selling the Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) associated with its applicable resources and the renewable attributes are transferred to the REC recipient.
Local peop...
Customers | Lincoln Electric System
With LES, you benefit from one of the most efficient public power utilities in the nation, which means you enjoy some of the lowest rates and best customer service. Being a public power utility, all s...
Company | Lincoln Electric System
Feb. 1, 1966, Lincoln Electric System was formed and a single utility began providing electric energy in and around Lincoln, Nebraska. In November 1970, Lincoln voters approved formation of a semi-aut...
Generation resources | Lincoln Electric System
LES has a variety of generation resources in its portfolio. Utilizing power from different sources in different places puts us on the map with one of the best portfolios in the industry. This mix of p...
How do I use my online account? | Lincoln Electric System
The online account system streamlines payment options, service features and contact options, bringing them into one place and with real-time responsiveness. Check out the following online account vid...
Contact us | Lincoln Electric System
Walter A. Canney Service Center
2620 Fairfield St. | Lincoln, NE
Walk-in hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday; Wednesday hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m. the third Wednesday of every month.