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LGBT Characters Wikia | Fandom
Queer Some people don't exactly relate to one exact identity...or they are just queer...It's one or the either.
Alice Dyer | LGBT Characters Wikia | Fandom
Alice Dyer is a transgender character from The Magnus Protocol. Alice is a low-level office worker at the Office of Incident Assessment and Response, an agency investigating supernatural and unexplain...
Category:Characters | LGBT Characters Wikia | Fandom
LGBT Characters Wikia is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. View Mobile Site
Shion Kaminari | LGBT Characters Wikia | Fandom
Shiori Ichinose, better known as her VTuber persona Shion Kaminari is a queer character from Vtuber Legend. This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it...
Pedge/Pej | LGBT Characters Wikia | Fandom
Pedge (or Pej) is a bisexual character from Peep Show. Pej (or "Pedge" according to some sources) is an oft-mentioned character by Mark and Jeremy who owns a house-boat, which (according to Mark) will...
Oliver Malvar | LGBT Characters Wikia | Fandom
Oliver Malvar is a gay character from Fuchsia Libre. Oliver's mother died when he was very young and he was brought up by his policeman father Danilo, who wanted to make him a fighter and had him trai...