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Our Programs | LGW - Legion of Good Will
Charity Round It provides food security, hygiene products, clothes, blankets, and words of encouragement and faith to help the homeless population.
About Us | LGW - Legion of Good Will
In the United States, the Legion of Good Will provides important education, social, and health-centered services to the New York and New Jersey regions. It also works closely with the United Nations a...
LGW's 26th International Congress on Social Assistance | LGW - Legion of Good Will
Social Inequality and Poverty: Psychosocial Impact of the Pandemic On August 30 and 31, 2021, at 7:30p.m. (BRT), the Legion of Good Will (LGW) will hold the online edition of its 26th International Co...
International Impact | LGW - Legion of Good Will
Today, the Legion of Good Will’s work is present in seven different countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, USA, Paraguay, Portugal and Uruguay. Together, these units—schools, homes, and community cent...
Spirit and Science World Forum | LGW - Legion of Good Will
Previous Lives and Near-Death Experiences: What Does Science Have to Say About It? In yet another major edition, the Legion of Good Will’s Spirit and Science World Forum will bring together 9 renowned...
LGW Shares Best Practices on Education for Global Citizenship at UN Panel | LGW - Legion of Good
LGW shares its best practices on leveraging advocacy for education and global citizenship