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E-resources – Kenyatta University Library
Find resources to answer your research methods and statistics questions at SAGE ResearchMethods. SAGE Research Methods Online (SRMO) is a research methods tool created to help researchers, faculty and...
Online Journals & E-resources – Kenyatta University Library
Education; Natural Sciences; Social & Human Sciences; Cultural Sciences; Communication & Information; Climate Change; Biodiversity Initiative; Culture of Peace & Non-Violence; Dialogue among Civilizat...
Access to the Past Exam Papers Portal – Kenyatta University Library
Please note that the past paper portal has been moved to our new platform for accessing E-Resources. What do I need to do to access the past papers? Self-register by going to the link https://elibrary...
HOW TO ACCESS eRESOURCES VIA MyLOFT – Kenyatta University Library
21/06/2023 Bulletin To access past papers, E-resources and E-library while on or off campus kindly visit On the left-hand side click on the E-resources tab. This will t...
Open Access Databases: – Kenyatta University Library is a global science gateway, providing one-stop searching of over 90 national and international scientific databases and portals from more than 70 countries. Users can search and ...
About Library – Kenyatta University Library
Library Catalogue Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) – The library uses KOHA, an Integrated Library Management System – There are computers designated for students to access the OPAC. Lending Postg...