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Projects – Life4worship
Projects Life in extreme worship and life for worship is for us – founders of Life4worship – also sharing with experience, feelings, skills and that what God tells us. We wish, every next generation c...
Workshop – Life4worship
Workshop Worship is everything we live for, we think about and what we desire! Nothing engages our hearts so much but only giving glory to Him Who Is. From our passion and desires to always, everywher...
In preparation – Life4worship
Projects in preparation Creatively and Inventively; following God’s voice and His wind we create new projects. We dream that each of them multiplies the extreme level of worship of The Sitting On The ...
Creators – Life4worship
Creators Life4worship Meet our team, which is everyone diretcly commited to founding and cofounding of Life4worship. We are the people, who primaly are binded by the passion for the Lord and worship a...
Life4worship – Platforma Chwały i Uwielbienia
LIFE4WORSHIP – LIFE IN EXTREME WORSHIP Life4worshop is a project, which arose out of longing, passion, a sense of discomfort; willingness to touch the deepest depth, to jump from the highest height. ...
The path of freedom – Life4worship
Will you listen to my voice in the darkness? Will you follow me in the valley of the shadows? I want you to run with me Though in pain You will love me more Like never before Will you agree with...