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Lily Marine Containers
Containers The Company operates over 5,000 teus of owned and leased dry cargo containers. Lily Marine Services provides depot and warehouse facilities in all major ports of operations, accepting all ...
Welcome to Lily Marine Services
Welcome to LILY MARINE SERVICES Lily Marine Services (Pte) Ltd was established in Singapore in May 1998 to cover shipping and cargo related activities for Lily Enterprises of Maldives. We now operate ...
Lily Marine Liner Services
World Wide Liner Service Lily accepts container cargo from most Far ports in the Far East including Jakarta, Surabaya, Bangkok, Laem Chabang, China, Vietnam, Singapore and Port Klang on a weekly saili...
Lily Marine Network
14 Floor, Sethiawan Tower, 139 Pan Road, Silom, Bangrak Bangkok 10500, Thailand Fax: +66 2 237 2441 Fax: +66 2 237 6022 (Dcmt Dept) ...
Lily Marine Feeder Services
Feeder Frequency : Colombo - Maldives - Colombo (2 sailings per month, Transit time - 36 hours) Principal Customers Goldstar / Zim Lines APL
Lily Line - Maldives c/o Lily Marine Services Pte Ltd
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